Nick Drake, John Lennon, and a short film named “Lucky.”

Nick Drake is today’s (January 19, 2012) featured article on Wikipedia. One interesting fact is that neither Bryter Layter and Pink Moon sold more than 5,000 copies on initial release. “In 2000,Volkswagen featured the title track from Pink Moon in a television advertisement, and within a month Drake had sold more records than he had in the previous 30 years.” He was 26 when he died from an overdose. Read more here. Listen to Pink Moon here.

On December 8, 1980, John Lennon was shot and killed in New York City. Coincidentally, I visited New York on the 30th anniversary of that sad day and visited Strawberry Fields and the exterior of the Dakota. As part of the South Texas Underground Film (STUF) Winter Film Challenge: a tribute to Sergei Eisenstein I made a short, experimental documentary film – otherwise known as a “shexdoc” – just kidding. In addition to this untitled film I screened two others which are explained further below.

“The Delivery”

a film made with an iphone 4 and go pro in 24 hours as part of STUF – 24CC.


This is a short film which participated in being made within 7 days for the Corpus Christi 7 Day Film Challenge and contained three elements: Sam – a man who finds something, a line of dialogue, ” the problem with BLANK is that he/she thinks too much,” and a prop of black ribbon.

And this baffles me, but I didn’t include one of my favorite films made it New Orleans. I  should have also shown “Ten Commandments” which features local New Orleans musicians and the poem with same name as film read by author and AMAZING poet Jericho Brown.

One thought on “Nick Drake, John Lennon, and a short film named “Lucky.”

  1. Pingback: Sergei Eisenstein Tribute video lands on GLASSTIRE.COM Blog!! | MD Photography

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